Importing the martini glass into the scene.
I had various problems when I had created the scene and it was time to merge my other models into the scene. Firstly the three main models I had created for the first hand in failed to merge, then likewise upon trying to open them separately to ascertain why this happened they then wouldn’t open at all. This posed a considerable problem as it meant that I had to model every asset of my animation from scratch, which understandably took up a considerable amount of my time that I had hoped to assign to actually animating! A couple of other snags that I came across were that a few of the materials I had assigned to certain models kept disappearing. There was a relatively simple solution to this problem when I realised that I had saved them in different locations and from switching from one machine to another I had not brought them across with me, felt a bit stupid when I realised my mistake!
Here is the martini glass complete with martini, however I felt it looked a little flat and so played around with the glass material I had created for the actual glass and decided that it needed some ice and a lemon spiral as dictated by bond when he creates his perfect drink in the film Casino Royale – shaken not stirred obviously!
To create the lemon spiral for the martini I used the lofting technique to assign a shape to a path, which gave the 3desque feel of my lemon ‘peel’. To create a textured look for the ice, I created some cubes and added a noise modifier so that they weren’t perfect cubes, instead had a bit of realism to them.
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