Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Emotions in 3D

Within this tutorial we learnt how to create a head that was capable of displaying emotion within the face. We started with a rather gormless looking head which we converted to an editable poly. Next I cloned this head a few times for which to create different expressions on. I chose a wink, open mouth, raised eyebrow and a closed mouth which looked like a smile. In the modifier list, I was then able to select the original head (which I had left in it's original state) and added a 'Morpher' to it. This then gave me the opportunity to link all of the heads into the original model and by varying the percentage on each expression I could change the face of my model. Having done this, I then added a Turbo smooth to the original model and added some animation using autokey and assigning key frames along the time line in positions that I felt added to the animation.

After adding a Turbo Smooth

I particularly enjoyed this tutorial, probably as it was based on human expression and emotion, which I enjoy sketching in my spare time anyway. It is incredible how varied you can create a look on one face through a series of seemingly simple steps. I hope to use similar techniques in my finished animation. My rendered animation for this tutorial however did end up looking rather seedy!

Tutorial Animation

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